
The principle you violate in dating and marriage | Church 3/9/25

You'll never find the right person if you violate the principle: Seek first the Kingdom, and all will be added. Why do you want the approval of anyone else?

You'll never find the right person if you violate the principle: Seek first the Kingdom, and all will be added. Why do you want the approval of anyone else?

NOTE: We "spring forward" 1-hour on Sunday, so we come on AN HOUR EARLIER for those who don't observe U.S. Daylight Saving Time (Arizona, Europe, Australia...)

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, March 9, 2025


  • (0:00:00) Pre-service small talk

  • (0:02:26) Difficulty committing to prayer

  • (0:03:11) Raw milk?

  • (0:10:57) Happy to sit through hell after Women's Forum

  • (0:19:42) How deep evil within goes

  • (0:20:48) Dating: Married people

  • (0:32:31) Dating: Unmarried people

  • (0:41:36) Disappointed couple… Where do you look?

  • (0:55:24) Living together… "I'm a terrible person"...

  • (1:05:38) Separated… Romance? …

  • (1:17:41) "Helper, to serve me." - Ambitious winner… Multiple women?!

  • (1:34:46) JLP: You'll never find the right person; Seek first…

  • (1:46:27) Biblical Q: Why do you want the approval of anyone else?

  • (1:52:10) New BQ: Concerning race, which color would you choose to be right?

  • (2:01:35) Closing


You'll never find the person you're looking for (16-min) YouTube | Rumble

See Recent and Archive clips on BOND YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Odysee — BOND: Rebuilding the Man


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