JLP | "Bye, Negro! BYE!" *Click*... Mel from Atlanta Shouts at JLP (2013)
Originally aired November 14, 2013: Caller Mel from Atlanta, GA, goes in on Jesse talking about then-First Lady "Big Mama" Michelle Obama telling the kids how to eat.
JLP | "Bye, Negro! BYE!" *Click*... Mel from Atlanta Shouts at JLP (2013)
JLP | "Bye, Negro! BYE!" *Click*... Mel from…
JLP | "Bye, Negro! BYE!" *Click*... Mel from Atlanta Shouts at JLP (2013)
Originally aired November 14, 2013: Caller Mel from Atlanta, GA, goes in on Jesse talking about then-First Lady "Big Mama" Michelle Obama telling the kids how to eat.