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I once had a dream about someone knocking on the door in the middle of the night. I opened it without asking who was there and saw someone who looked like a warrior from an apocalypse movie. I was terrified and didn't do anything except fall to the ground. I let him do whatever he wanted to me. He removed a syringe, said, "You are finished," and injected something into my neck. That's when I woke up.

That dream has been on my mind, and I've realized that how I acted in that dream scene is similar to how I respond to danger. I feel helpless, easily give up, and let the danger consume me. However, today's lesson has shed some light on this situation because I worship idols by embracing a victim mentality. For a long time, I've been deeply in love with being a victim, and the song "Everything that kills me, makes me feel alive" has been my motto. Fear has been consuming me. However, I've been getting better gradually since I discovered B.O.N.D. like a week ago silent prayer has been working. Today lesson has also reminded me of Psalms 23;the lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

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