Originally produced July 21, 1999, The Jesse Peterson Show featuring guests: Juan Jose Gutierrez, executive director of the nonprofit One Stop Immigration; Ron Prince, co-author of California Proposition 187 (voters passed Prop 187, banning welfare for “undocumented immigrants” [to use the YouTube-friendly PC term], but was never enforced by the government); Miguel Orozco (part 1 only), a man who says he sees both sides of the issue.
90s JLP | Illegal Immigration Debate (1999)
90s JLP | Illegal Immigration Debate (1999)
90s JLP | Illegal Immigration Debate (1999)
Originally produced July 21, 1999, The Jesse Peterson Show featuring guests: Juan Jose Gutierrez, executive director of the nonprofit One Stop Immigration; Ron Prince, co-author of California Proposition 187 (voters passed Prop 187, banning welfare for “undocumented immigrants” [to use the YouTube-friendly PC term], but was never enforced by the government); Miguel Orozco (part 1 only), a man who says he sees both sides of the issue.