(0:00:00) - BQs: No difference between a Christian and atheist
(0:10:41) - Joe Biden full pardon for Hunter …
(0:20:09) - CAROL, Savannah, 1st: "Spiritually married," now "roommate"
(0:43:45) - SAVANNAH, L.A., 1st: Drop that phony voice! You ain't nice!
(0:50:59) - Jesse feeds horse watermelon
(0:51:18) - Trump, Shaft! Mr. Dillon from Gunsmoke
(1:00:07) - College a waste of time
(1:10:05) - Anger: White man shot black neighbor cutting his tree
(1:14:49) - Father shot/killed after kidnapped daughter
(1:23:03) - RIA, Canada: You're my best friend. Forgave mom.
(1:29:15) - "No N— zone"
(1:45:04) - GEORGE, Chicago, 1st: Mom's husband/father
(1:58:04) - MICHAEL, TN, 1st: Judging a guy at work
(2:07:10) - Trump remains untouched
(2:17:24) - Image of Jesus: Trump!
(2:17:55) - KENDRA, CA, 1st: Crying, "ego death," taking it out on kids?
(2:28:43) - ASKARI, CA: Cut ties with family, Big ma memories
(2:36:32) - Britney Spears tripping: Two hoops and a holler
(2:40:52) - MARIA, NY: Hell and morals: You are Britney Spears.
(2:57:53) - BRIAN, New Orleans, 1st: What race you think you pass for?
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