Originally produced January 8, 1998: The Jesse Peterson Show, discussing the question: Is Jesus God? We also talk at length about men. Have you ever met a real man? Another throwback from the archives! Song “Stand Up” by Jeff Spann https://jesseleepeterson.com/remixes YouTube PLAYLIST: The Jesse Peterson Show (1990s TV) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpSkvyhrlXrbgTTmU_eCq-5qDL79PHKo-
JLP Highlights
Interviews, Highlights, and Archive content from Jesse Lee Peterson (DIFFERENT from the full episodes podcast of The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show)
JLP is live M-F 6-9am PT / 9-noon ET. Call-in: 1-888-775-3773 - "Uniting the Races with Truth Instead of Dividing Them with Lies" - jesseleepeterson.com/show
Interviews, Highlights, and Archive content from Jesse Lee Peterson (DIFFERENT from the full episodes podcast of The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show)
JLP is live M-F 6-9am PT / 9-noon ET. Call-in: 1-888-775-3773 - "Uniting the Races with Truth Instead of Dividing Them with Lies" - jesseleepeterson.com/show Listen on
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